
What We Offer

Powerful messaging tools for you to engage your customers in a snap at a bargain price.

How It Works

MessageHUB increases your message click-through rate through SMS

  • SMS has an open rate of 99%
  • 90% of all SMS is read within 3 mins
  • 75% of people would like to receive offers via SMS
  • Mobile offers are redeemed 10x more than printed
  • 82.4% prefer business with SMS loyalty program
  • 78% consumers say that SMS is the fastest way to reach them

* Source from MobileSquared, TechnologyAdvice and Gartner

Why Us

Forget the cost and hassle of multi-vendor solutions.
We've included all the features you need.

Simplify selection of tariff plans among countries,
speed your business up all over the world.

Engage your customer with personalized promotions.

Empower your business with handy functions.

Get Started With MessageHUB

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